Welcome to DataFied, your one stop shop for financial data and information. To get started, here are the details for the datasets and resources available through the DataFied API. The Core Dataset includes company details, primary financials and ratios. The companies included in the dataset are all SEC reporting companies with traded securities. To complement the SEC filers, we provide exclusive access to the OTC traded securities. Data is available back to 1999 for SEC reporting companies and 2009 for OTC filers. The table below highlights the datasets and verbs associated with them.
An application key is needed to make calls and pull the data. To register for an application key, please click here. Once registered, you will be able to access the datasets; all application keys will be entitled initially to our evaluation plan data package. The evaluation plan - Developer HackPack - includes access to our consolidated financial statements – balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement – for the most recent 5 years. In addition, we provide complementary company descriptive metadata information. The evaluation plan data is available via each of the resources.
Once you get started, we can work with you on adding additional data fields, time periods or depth of history based on your data needs.
Happy Coding!
Datasets | Actions | Description |
Companies |
Includes Company Metadata and descriptive data such as: Company Name, CIK, Ticker, Address, Description, Sector, Industry, etc. |
CoreFinancials |
Includes Companies’ primary financial statements - Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Ratios. |
CompanySets |
Allows user to save a list of companies to be used later or optimize the request call. |
ParameterSets |
Allows user to save the entire request, helps in shortening the URL. |
Descriptions |
Provide description lookup call for a Company Name, SIC code, Industry or Sector |
What you can do with our API
Our API allows you to:
- Perform metadata or financial data searches for a supplied search term such as company name.
- Perform metadata or financial searches for a supplied company ticker, CUSIP or CIK.
- Perform targeted searches that match user defined tags and location terms.
- Retrieve individual company’s descriptive information, financials and/or ratios.
URI Format
Name | Description | Required | Default Values |
Protocol |
Yes |
Endpoints |
Path to API method |
Yes |
Each API call is documented under each API resources |
Response format |
API response to the format |
Yes |
JSON|XML, Default response is JSON |
API Key |
Authorized API Key |
Yes |
URI Examples{APPKEY}{APPKEY},appl&appkey={APPKEY}{APPKEY}
Error Codes
HTTP Status | Description |
400 |
Bad Request – Please check the request that is submitted. |
403 |
Forbidden – Server failed to authenticate for the given appkey or the resources. |
404 |
Not Found – The specified resource is not found. Please check the request. |
503 |
Service Unavailable – The server is currently unable to receive requests. Please retry your request. |
Status: 400 Bad Request
Message: "Request is invalid, you are trying to search by an obsolete or not supported parameters: (xxxxxxxxxx)."
Rate Limit
All API keys are assigned a quota of 2 API calls/second. Upon registration, all API keys will have access to the free evaluation plan data and will be limited to 5,000 API calls/day. The Evaluation Plan includes the following data -
- Consolidate balance sheet,
- Income statement and
- Cash flow for all securities for the most recent year
Additionally, we provide basic descriptive company metadata. We do increase rate limits for partners on a case-by-base basis. In order to increase the rate limit for a particular application, we need to verify your compliance with our Terms of Service and branding guidelines. EDGAR Online will work with developers to establish an appropriate calls/day rate limit based on use case and data entitlements. If you would like to increase your API rate limit, please email us.
Useful API Calls
Debug parameter helps developers investigate what happened during the call and what items were substituted if any during the call.*micro*&limit=10&appkey={APPKEY}&debug=true
debug: {
appkey: "{ appkey }"
userid: "null"
primarysymbols: "msft"
duration: "ANN"
numperiods: "4"
limit: "25"
fields: "USDConversionRate,Restated,...."
OperationContextId: "a890a640-917a-40f4-932b-2e8153b37dd6"
Debug Response
When the amount of data is more that system defined rows, data pagination occurs. Navigation to certain row is done via two parameters in the request for any resource (limit, offset). Limit defined the number of rows to be returned and offset defines which page to navigate. Every result will display the total number of rows in the system.
Example:*micro*&limit=10&appkey={APPKEY} – will return all the companies metadata that contains a company name (micro), total of 10 rows per call.
To navigate to the page 1 of the request you will user offset = 10 will start the data from 11 – 20, offset = 20 will start the data from 21 - 30*micro*&limit=10&offset=10&appkey={APPKEY}
All resources support the sort by parameter as a filter to the request. User can sort by any given requested field if they are entitled for it.
Negation defines "exclude or include" any additional field in the response.
Negation are defined by adding a ! in-front of the fields parameter, if including any additional fields then just specify the fieldname without ! in the fields parameter. Please note that user must be entitled for the field if they are adding any fields in response.
to add primarysymbols in response{APPKEY}
to add primarysymbols and city,AAPL&fields=primarysymbol,city&conceptgroups=primaryfinancials&appkey={APPKEY}
to remove primarysymbols from the response!primarysymbol&conceptgroups=primaryfinancials&appkey={APPKEY}
to add primarysymbols and remove city from the response,AAPL&fields=primarysymbol,!city&conceptgroups=primaryfinancials&appkey={APPKEY}
Concept Groups
Concept groups reflect the logical grouping of the fields in the dataset into smaller categories to formulate calls for financial statements or company descriptive information. The concept groups tie to product packages and entitlements and are designed to be a logical reflection of how the financial data ties together. For example, if your application renders primary financial statements, you can leverage the Balance Sheet, Income Statement and/or Cash Flow Statement concept groups to easily call for all fields that would populate the rending of a statement.
With a free evaluation key, the consolidated balance sheet, consolidated cash flow statement, consolidated income statement and free metadata is included for the most recent annual timeframe. For access to deeper history, more financials, additional descriptive data or ratios, please contact us to modify the entitlements associated with your application key.
The table below outlines the various concept groups available through the dataset. For the free evaluation dataset, the consolidated financial statement data concept groups are included.
Concept Group | Name | Description |
All |
All |
All financial, metadata and ratio fields. |
Primary Financials |
PrimaryFinancials |
Financial fields that populate the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statements. Inclusive of the Financial Header and Financial Ratio concept groups, providing contextual reference for the financials reported. |
Balance Sheet |
BalanceSheetFull |
All fields and data points related to a company’s income statement, including revenues and expenses. |
Consolidated Balance Sheet |
BalanceSheetConsolidated |
A subset of the balance sheet fields; typically supports a public website or business media outlet publishing company financials. This concept group is available for free evaluation as the most recent annual financials for all SEC and OTC securities. |
Income Statement |
IncomeStatementFull |
All fields and data points related to a company’s income statement, including revenues and expenses. |
Consolidated Income Statement |
IncomeStatementConsolidated |
A subset of the income statement fields; typically supports a public website or business media outlet publishing company financials. This concept group is available for free evaluation as the most recent annual financials for all SEC and OTC securities. |
Cash Flow Statement |
CashFlowStatementFull |
All fields and data point related to a company’s cash flow, including cash flows from investing, operating and financing activities. |
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement |
CashFlowStatementConsolidated |
A subset of the cash flow statement fields; typically supports a public website or business media outlet publishing company financials. This concept group is available for free evaluation as the most recent annual financials for all SEC and OTC securities. |
Contextual Financial Header Data |
FinancialHeaderData |
Descriptive information associated This concept group is available for free evaluation as the most recent annual financials for all SEC and OTC securities. |
Market Driven Financial Ratios |
FinancialRatioData |
General performance ratios for a company, included with a company’s financials. |
Ratios |
Ratios |
Company specific ratios including valuation, profitability, leverage, growth, activity and daily. |
Valuation |
ValuationRatios |
Ratios tracking the value of a security. |
Mini Valuation Ratios |
ValuationRatiosMini |
A subset of the most commonly used valuation ratios, tracking the value of a security. |
Profitability |
ProfitabilityRatios |
Ratios tracking the profitability of a security. |
Mini Profitability Ratios |
ProfitabilityRatiosMini |
A subset of the most commonly used profitability ratios, providing profitability metrics on a specific security. |
Leverage |
LeverageRatios |
Ratios tracking the debt and leverage of a security. |
Mini Leverage Ratios |
LeverageRatiosMini |
A subset of the most commonly used leverage ratios, tracking the debt and leverage of a security. |
Liquidity |
LiquidityRatios |
Ratios tracking the liquidity of a company. |
Mini Liquidity Ratios |
LiquidityRatiosMini |
A subset of the most commonly used liquidity ratios. |
Growth |
GrowthRatios |
Ratios tracking the growth of a security; available for multiple timeframes. |
Activity |
ActivityRatios |
Ratios tracking company activity, such as inventory turnover. |
Daily |
DailyRatios |
Ratios reflecting pricing history for the equity. |
General Descriptive Metadata |
Metadata |
Descriptive and general company information including business descriptions |
Basic Company Identification Fields |
MetadataFree |
Descriptive and general company information, including primary ticker, company name and entity ID. This concept group is available for free evaluation. |
Cusip |
This is a single field concept group; because of the license required by The CUSIP Bureau to use these unique identifiers, this is a separate entitlement that can be provided upon receipt of a CUSIP license. |
Financial Headers |
FinancialHeaderData |
Descriptive information associated with security and its period end date. |
Financial Ratios |
FinancialRatioData |
General performance ratios for a company, included with a company’s financials. |
For additional details on concept groups, available fields, ratios and ratio calculations, please contact EDGAR Online’s support team at or call us at 800.416.6651 or 212.658.5710 (outside of the US) Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm EST.
Note: Do not combine timeperiod together, for example (periodenddate and fiscalperiod).
Example (this is an invalid call):{APPKEY}
Companies Metadata API
Parameter Name | Resource | Description |
ciks |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single cik or list of ciks separated by comma. |
companynames |
companies |
Search companies metadata using company name. Search supports Starts with, Contains and Ends With. |
entityids |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single entityid or list of entityids separated by comma. |
primarysymbols |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single primarySymbol or list of primarySymbols separated by comma. |
industries |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single industry or list of industries separated by comma. |
sectors |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single sector or list of sectors separated by comma. |
siccodes |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single siccode or list of siccodes separated by comma. |
primarycusips |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single primarycusip or list of primarycusips separated by comma. |
primaryexchanges |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single primaryexchange or list of primaryexchanges separated by comma. |
cities |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single city or list of cities separated by comma. |
postalcodes |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single postalcode or list of postalcodes separated by comma. |
countries |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single country or list of countries separated by comma. |
states |
companies |
Search companies metadata using single state or list of states separated by comma. |
companysets |
companies |
Company sets are user specific. Developers can create a list of company in a set and execute that in a query. Search companies metadata using single companyset or list of companysets separated by comma. |
offset |
companies |
Offset is used with paging. Offset defines which page number to serve based to total number of rows and limit. |
limit |
companies |
Limit is used with paging. Limit defines the number of rows to return in a single call. |
fields |
companies |
Fields are used as a filter in the request. Field can be used to add or suppress the fields in the response. |
sortby |
companies |
Sortby is a filter in the request to sort the data ascending or descending. |
parametersets |
companies |
Parameter sets are user specific. Developers can create a request string and save that as parameter set and execute that in a query using parametersets. This will help user preserve the multiple queries and execute by their name when needed. |
Search by CIK,0001018724,0000789019&appkey={APPKEY}
Search by companyName
Get the list of all companies that starts with "micro"*&appkey={APPKEY}
Get the list of all companies that contains a "soft" in companyname*soft*&appkey={APPKEY}
Get the list of all company metadata that ends with "holdings" in companyname*holdings&appkey={APPKEY}
Search by EntityID:{APPKEY}
Search by PrimarySymbols:{APPKEY}
Search by Sectors:{APPKEY}
Search by CIKs:{APPKEY}
Search by ZIP codes:,94111&appkey={APPKEY}
Search by countries:,Germany&appkey={APPKEY}
Search by states:,Michigan&appkey={APPKEY}
Search by companysets:{APPKEY}
Search by parametersets:{APPKEY}
Search by Industries: Services&appkey={APPKEY}
Get all ActiveCompanies Services&appkey={APPKEY}
Companies JSON Response
JSON response for the companies’ resource is flat in nature.
"result": {
"totalrows": "1",
"rowset": [
"entityid": 8528,
"primarysymbol": "MSFT",
"cik": "0000789019",
"companyname": "MICROSOFT CORP",
"primaryexchange": "Nasdaq Global Market",
"siccode": "7372",
"sicdescription": "Prepackaged Software",
"rownum": 1
Core Financials API
Parameter Name | Resource | Description |
entityids |
corefinancials |
Retrieve financial information using single entityid or list of entityids separated by comma, for specified fields or conceptgroups. If none of these are specified then default concept group is used. |
primarysymbols |
corefinancials |
Retrieve financial information using single primarysymbol or list of primarysymbols separated by comma, for specified fields or conceptgroups. If none of these are specified then default concept group is used. |
primaryexchanges |
corefinancials |
Retrieve financial information using single primaryexchange or list of primaryexchanges separated by comma, for specified fields or conceptgroups. If none of these are specified then default concept group is used. |
companysets |
corefinancials |
Company sets are user specific. Developers can create a list of company in a set and execute that in a query. Retrieve financial information using single companysets or list of companysets separated by comma, for specified fields or conceptgroups. If none of these are specified then default concept group is used. |
parametersets |
corefinancials |
Parameter sets are user specific. Developers can create a request string and save that as parameter set and execute that in a query using parametersets. Retrieve financial information using single parameterset or list of parametersets separated by comma, for specified fields or conceptgroups. If none of these are specified then default concept group is used. |
numperiods |
corefinancials |
Numperiod defines the timeperiod for which the financial information to be retrieved for specified fields or conceptgroups. If none of these are specified then default concept group is used. For example to retrieve 3 years of history specify numperiods=3 & duration=ANNL, for 3 years of quarterly data specify numperiods =12&duration=QTR. |
periodenddate |
corefinancials |
Retrieve financial information for specified fields or conceptgroups based on the financial year end. If none of these are specified then default concept group is used. For example to retrieve data for period end date ( 7/1/2012) specify periodenddate=20120701. |
fiscalperiod |
corefinancials |
Retrieve financial information for specified fields or conceptgroups based on fiscal year and it's quarter defined by FYQ1,FYQ2..,If none of these are specified then default concept group is used. For example to retrieve data between fiscal period of 2010 Q1 and 2012 Q4, specify fiscalperiod=2010q1~2012q4. |
conceptgroups |
corefinancials |
Concept groups are the grouping of the fields to formulate the financial statements. Available concept groups are : |
duration |
corefinancials |
Retrieve the financial information based on duration. Available durations are QTY, ANN, TTM, YTD |
offset |
corefinancials |
Offset is used with paging. Offset defines which page number to server based to total numbers of rows and limit. |
limit |
corefinancials |
Limit is used with paging. Limit defines the number of rows to return in a single call. |
fields |
corefinancials |
Fields are used as a filter in the request. Field can be used to add or suppress the fields in the response. |
sortby |
corefinancials |
Sortby is a filter in the request to sort the data ascending or descending. |
Entity Id:{APPKEY}
2 years of annual data for given symbol – Default concept group{APPKEY}
2 years of quarterly data for given symbol – Default concept group{APPKEY}
CoreFinancial JSON Response
JSON response for the corefinancials resource is in grouping based on concept groups. This helps developers identify which fields belongs to a given concept group.
"debug": {
"appkey": "{appkey}",
"userid": "null",
"primarysymbols": "msft",
"duration": "ANN",
"numperiods": "4",
"limit": "25",
"fields": "CIK,Companyname,...",
"OperationContextId": "03559534-5313-466c-8b30-9e6bcd5df6cd"
"result": {
"totalrows": "4",
"duration": "ANN",
"rowset": [
"rownum": 1,
"entityid": 8528,
"groups": [
"conceptgroups": [
"fiscalyear": 2013,
"fiscalquarter": 4,
"values": [
"type": "string",
"field": "CIK",
"value": "0000789019",
"label": "CIK"
"type": "string",
"field": "Companyname",
"value": "MICROSOFT CORP",
"label": "Company name"
"type": "string",
"field": "PrimaryExchange",
"value": "Nasdaq Global Market",
"label": "Primary Exchange"
"type": "string",
"field": "PrimarySymbol",
"value": "MSFT",
"label": "Primary Symbol"
"type": "string",
"field": "SICCode",
"value": "7372",
"label": "SIC Code"
"type": "string",
"field": "SICDescription",
"value": "Prepackaged Software",
"label": "SIC Description"
Parameter set resource helps developers store the search queries to be used later.
Verbs supported by Parametersets are: GET, POST, PUT and DELETE
Required Parameter: appkey - Application key that has access to the resources
resource - for which resource the sets are being created for
POST: Create a new parameter set named NYSE_OilGas for resource "companies"{APPKEY}
POST: Create a new parameter set named TopOilGasQuarterly for resource "corefinancials",CVX,RDS'A&duration=qtr&resource=corefinancials&appkey={APPKEY}
PUT: Update the existing set{APPKEY}
DELETE: Delete the existing parametersets{APPKEY}
GET: Get the existing parameterset{APPKEY}
GET: Get all the existing parameter set for a given appkey{APPKEY}
Companysets resource allows user to save a set of given companies as their predefined list to be used in future. These are considered as a saved query. Companysets slightly differs from parameter set where parametersets are specific to resource but companysets are global, it does not require a parameter resource while creating, updating or deleting.
Verbs Supported by CompanySets resources are: PUT, POST, DELETE, GET
POST: Create new companysets based on entityid,95767&appkey={APPKEY}
POST: Create new companysets based on primarysymbols,MAKSY&appkey={APPKEY}
PUT: Update existing companyset,MAKSY,WMT&appkey={APPKEY}
DELETE: Delete existing companyset{APPKEY}
GET : Get the existing companyset{APPKEY}
GET: Get all the companies sets{APPKEY}
Description Resource
Description resource allows users to perform a lookup for Sectors, Companies, Industries, Countries, CIK and States.
Verb Supported by Description Resource: Get
Parameter for Description Resource
descriptionType - Defines which items to perform lookup.
limit - Number of rows to be returned.
offset - Which page number to return
sortby - Sort the data by wither (description, id or mnemonic)
Description JSON Response
"totalrows": "18102",
"limit": "100",
"offset": "0",
"values": [
"id": "0001163675",
"mnemonic": "0001163675",
"description": "0001163675"
"id": "0001163680",
"mnemonic": "0001163680",
"description": "0001163680"
"id": "0001163698",
"mnemonic": "0001163698",
"description": "0001163698"
Available Data Packages
Concept Group | Developer HackPack | Partners |
All Data Points |
Primary Financials |
Balance Sheet |
Balance Sheet - Consolidated |

Income Statement |
Income Statement - Consolidated |

Cash Flow Statement |
Cash Flow Statement - Consolidated |

Ratios |
Valuation Ratios |
Valuation Ratios - Mini |

Profitability Ratios |
Profitability Ratios - Mini |

Leverage Ratios |
Leverage Ratios - Mini |

Growth Ratios |
Activity Ratios |
Daily Ratios |
Liquidity Ratios |
Liquidity Ratios - Mini |

Metadata |

Metadata - Free |

Financial Header Data |

Financial Ratio Data |

Rate Limit |
2 calls/second |
2 calls/second |
Calls per Day |
5,000 |
Flexible |
Depth of History |
5 years |
Flexible |
Timeframes |
Annual, Quarterly |
Flexible |
Scope of Coverage |
Other |
API Key expires after 2 weeks |
Available data packages work across all availalble resources. An API Key is required to run test calls in the Make Live API Calls. In addition to the product packages and concept groups, the EDGAR Online data is available with the following entitlements:
- Depth of History: Most recent financials, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years or all (back to 1999)
- Duration: Annual and/or quarterly financials, as well as Year-to-Data and Trailing Twelve Months (TTM)