Concept Groups for Core Financials

Concept Groups for Core Financials

Specific to the Financials and HackPack Plans, DataFi leverages concept groups to reflect the logical grouping of the available data fields in the dataset into smaller categories to formulate calls for financial statements or company descriptive information.  The concept groups tie to product packages and entitlements and are designed to be a logical reflection of how to group the data and tie it together for rendering or further analysis. For example, if your application renders primary financial statements, you can leverage the Balance Sheet, Income Statement and/or Cash Flow Statement concept groups to easily call for all fields that would populate the rendering of a statement.

With a free evaluation key to Financials or the HackPack, the consolidated primary financials, specifically the balance sheet, cash flow statement, income statement and free metadata is included for the most recent annual timeframe.  For access to deeper history, more financials, additional descriptive data or ratios, please contact us to modify the entitlements associated with your application key. 

The table below outlines the various concept groups available through the dataset.  For the free evaluation plans, the consolidated financial statement data concept groups are included. 

Concept Group Name Description
All All All financial, metadata and ratio fields. 
Primary Financials PrimaryFinancials Financial fields that populate the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statements.  Inclusive of the Financial Header and Financial Ratio concept groups, providing contextual reference for the financials reported.
Balance Sheet BalanceSheetFull All fields and data points related to a company’s balance sheet, include asets and liabilities.
Consolidated Balance Sheet BalanceSheetConsolidated A subset of the balance sheet fields; typically supports a public website or business media outlet publishing company financials.  This concept group is available for free evaluation as the most recent annual financials for all SEC and OTC securities. 
Income Statement IncomeStatementFull All fields and data points related to a company’s income statement, including revenues and expenses.
Consolidated Income Statement IncomeStatementConsolidated A subset of the income statement fields; typically supports a public website or business media outlet publishing company financials.  This concept group is available for free evaluation as the most recent annual financials for all SEC and OTC securities.
Cash Flow Statement CashFlowStatementFull All fields and data points related to a company’s cash flow, including cash flows from investing, operating and financing activities.
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement CashFlowStatementConsolidated A subset of the cash flow statement fields; typically supports a public website or business media outlet publishing company financials.  This concept group is available for free evaluation as the most recent annual financials for all SEC and OTC securities.
Contextual Financial Header Data FinancialHeaderData Descriptive data of the reported financials, such as period end dates.  This concept group is available for free evaluation as the most recent annual financials for all SEC and OTC securities.
Market Driven Financial Ratios FinancialRatioData General performance ratios for a company, included with a company’s financials. 
Ratios Ratios Company specific ratios including valuation, profitability, leverage, growth, activity and daily. 
Valuation ValuationRatios Ratios tracking the value of a security.
Mini Valuation Ratios ValuationRatiosMini A subset of the most commonly used valuation ratios, tracking the value of a security.
Profitability ProfitabilityRatios Ratios tracking the profitability of a security.
Mini Profitability Ratios ProfitabilityRatiosMini A subset of the most commonly used profitability ratios, providing profitability metrics on a specific security.
Leverage LeverageRatios Ratios tracking the debt and leverage of a security.
Mini Leverage Ratios LeverageRatiosMini A subset of the most commonly used leverage ratios, tracking the debt and leverage of a security. 
Liquidity LiquidityRatios Ratios tracking the liquidity of a company.
Mini Liquidity Ratios LiquidityRatiosMini A subset of the most commonly used liquidity ratios. 
Growth GrowthRatios Ratios tracking the growth of a security; available for multiple timeframes.
Activity ActivityRatios Ratios tracking company activity, such as inventory turnover.
Daily DailyRatios Ratios reflecting pricing history for the equity.
General Descriptive Metadata Metadata Descriptive and general company information including business descriptions
Basic Company Identification Fields MetadataFree Descriptive and general company information, including primary ticker, company name and entity ID.  This concept group is available for free evaluation.
CUSIP Cusip This is a single field concept group; because of the license required by The CUSIP Bureau to use these unique identifiers, this is a separate entitlement that can be provided upon receipt of a CUSIP license. 
Financial Headers FinancialHeaderData Descriptive information associated with security and its period end date. 
Financial Ratios FinancialRatioData General performance ratios for a company, included with a company’s financials. 

For additional details on concept groups, available fields, ratios and ratio calculations, please contact EDGAR Online’s support team at or call us at  800.416.6651 or  212.658.5711 (outside of the US) Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm EST.

Note: Do not combine timeperiod, for example (periodenddate and fiscalperiod).

Example: This call is invalid.{APPKEY}

Sample calls: There are two ways to make an API call using a parameter or using a filter. The difference between these calls is based on each resource table and the supported parameter and filter name as defined. Using a parameter is like using a querystring but if you choose to use a filter then it requires expression. Please refer to the filter expression table.


Parameter Call:


Filter Call:

filter=companyName eq "Microsoft"